Optim PM employees, active participants in corporate sports competitions

Optim PM employees, active participants in corporate sports competitions

Optim Project Management embraces sport as part of a healthy lifestyle and encourages its employees to practice it.

Our colleagues, Ionut Dumitrascu and Marius Leonte, have recently participated at Corporate Tennis Open, an annual event where they have raced along companies such as Red Bull, KPMG Romania, Caroli, Bancpost, Biroul de credit, Oscar Downstream, Asociatia The Social Incubator, Schneider Electric, Danfoss and Holograma 3D.

Optim’s team was present at the second edition of Companies’ Football League, part of a group that comprises KPMG, Provident, Ericsson, Intell Psy HR and Teamnet. The team of Optim PM has won the last three games against Intell Psy HR (11-4), KPMG (3-2) and Teamnet (7-3) and ranks now on 5th place in the group.

“We sustain all our employees in practicing any kind of sports activity for a healthy lifestyle. We are very proud with their results in corporate competitions, acting under Optim Project Management brand” , says Manuela Savu – HR Manager, Optim PM.

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